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A Look at the Relationship between a Servant and a Master | Alireza Panahian

زینبیون تی وی
منتشر شده در 20 آذر 1398

A Look at the Relationship between a Servant and a Master

There is a relationship named the relationship between a servant and a Master. This is the most loving relationship in the world. There is a challenge in this relationship.

I didn’t give an introduction to this topic, did I? There were two young, female university students in Australia who became Muslims. One of the friends interviewed them. I have related their story many times. He said, “I asked them, ‘Why have you become Muslims?’ They said, ‘We saw that the Muslims constantly say, “This is Halal or Haram. If we do this, we will be punished.” There are many commands for Muslims. We missed a religion, which has many commands. We became Muslims because it has many commands.’”

I heard the same thing from a cultural expert too. He was the representative for Unesco in about 20 countries. He said, “Do you know during which month people become Muslim more in France?” I asked, “Which month?” I really didn’t know the answer. He replied, “The Month of Ramadan.” God has commanded us not to eat food! Others look at this and love it, “What a nice God!” People are obeying Him. “I won’t drink water at all.” Others will enjoy it and want it.

There is a relationship among all the other relationships, such as the relationship between spouses, friendship, cooperation, the relationship between parents and their children. There is a relationship named the relationship between a servant and a Master; a Master Who is Powerful, the Creator of the universe, and complete in all ways. The servant is deficient, dependent, and needy. These two have a loving relationship, the loving relationship between a servant and his Master.

In every loving relationship, there is a challenge. What is the challenge in this relationship? The Master commands and the servant sins. Then he says, “Forgive me.” There is nothing else. The Master commands and the servant sins. Then he says, “Forgive me.” What’s the excuse for the loving relationship? What makes the master a master? His commands. He orders to be careful. The servant tries very hard to control himself, but he still makes a few mistakes. God is happy. The servant is happy. There is a challenge. In this relationship between a servant and his Master, they now have something to talk about. They have something to talk about lovingly.

“Forgive me God.” “No, I won’t forgive you. Ok, I’ll forgive you this time. What if you sin again?” “Next time I sin, You have to forgive me again God. If You don’t forgive me…” 24 hours a day, they are talking about sins. “Hey! Don’t do this sin!”

This is the secret behind the relationship between a servant and his Master for a being by the name of ‘human being.’ The relationship between other animals and God is only for sustenance! You can’t realize that My commanding My servant is a relationship of love between Me and My servant.

A physician doesn’t command a person. He is not a master. If you don’t take your medicine, keep calling and saying, “Doctor, I’m so sorry,” he asks, “Why do you apologize to me?” But, God isn’t this way. He says, “I command you with all the prescriptions that I have written for you. If you don’t follow them, you must apologize.”

Look at the Holy Prophet (s). He was constantly asking for forgiveness. “What sin did you do to repent for?”

This is the secret behind the relationship between a servant and his master! There is a relationship named the relationship between a servant and a Master. The sweetest conversation is the Master commanding and the servant accepting and asking for forgiveness.

[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “What is sinning? How should we repent?”]


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