Floppy Disks - Giant Woman - Steven Universe

منتشر شده در 23 فروردین 1397

Giant Woman played on 5 floppy disk drives.

If anybody has any suggestion or requests of songs to play just comment below.

This is my data sheet of requests:


I take down every request I get (if there is a midi file of the song) so please be patient until I get your song done.

Just a little note, simple and easy songs will most likely be uploaded sooner than songs that require a lot of work.

Thanks Ҡαgoмε “typo queen” Tatsuмเ for the suggestion!

Thanks for watching.



The shameful corner:

Hey if anyone feels like supporting me (I doubt anyone will) this is a link to my patreon account https://www.patreon.com/vaser888?ty=h

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