400kV High Voltage Generator (Stun Gun Module?) - with schematic

منتشر شده در 30 فروردین 1397

Today I took a look at the crazy MC105 "400kV" DC high voltage step-up boost inverter from Ebay. The actual voltage may be about 20-30kV. The module created about 2-3cm long very bright and very loud sparks, then it stopped working after several seconds. I've made an autopsy of it and managed to reverse engineer the full schematic, despite it's not easy with a resin filled module. It's a self-oscillating circuit (similar to a joule thief) with a single transistor and a high voltage transformer. At the secondary, there's a (probably 5-stage) multiplier with 5 high voltage capacitors. I'm not sure what is the purpose of those high voltage generator modules, but they are most likely modules for a stun gun or a taser. They also could be power supplies for gas ignition, CRT or x-ray tube, flocking or so.

WARNING: Dangerous high voltage! Risk of electric shock, injury or death! You purchase or use this module only at your own risk and responsibility.

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