Electric Motor Repair & Rebuild Instructions - Full Repair Process

منتشر شده در 23 اسفند 1396

In this video we will present you with the full repair process of an electric motor including: Meggar & Surge Test, Disassembly, KE Test, Cut & Burnoff, Coil Stripping, Data Recording, Media Blasting, Washer, Laminations & Insulations, Coil Making, Windings & Lacings, Final Insulations, Dip Process, Bake Oven, Resurging, Balancing Rotor, Reassembly, Full Load Dyno Testing and Paint. Please do not hesitate to call us toll free at 1-877-249-1701 if you have any questions or visit us on the web at www.gesrepair.com

We can help you with ALL of your industrial repair needs! We also repair drives, power supplies, printed circuit boards, touch screens, servo motors, valves, cylinders and much more!

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