An extended scene from Dubai Flow Motion: Video captures the inner-workings of transferring baggage from landing flights onto carrying carts, then conveyor belts and ultimately into the hands of passengers arriving in the city.
iPhone bokeh time-lapse.! Timelapse in dubai city taken only with an IPhone 6 and edited with IMovie. No tripod was used for this video. I sat my IPhone directly near to driver seat and hold it steady. Song: Blazars - ...
دبی یکی از شهرهای امارات متحد عربی است که در سواحل خلیج فارس واقع شده است. این شهر با ابوظبی از جنوب با شارجه از شمال و با عمان از جنوب شرقی هم مرز می باشد. دبی در جنوب کشور ...
An outline of how motors are manufactured showing the various stages from casting the case through to balancing the rotor and testing the finished unit.
An outline of how motors are manufactured showing the various stages from casting the case through to balancing the rotor and testing the finished unit.
An outline of how motors are manufactured showing the various stages from casting the case through to balancing the rotor and testing the finished unit.
Recite "Chapter Hamd” in Prayer! A tradition says, “When a servant stands up to pray, if his desires and heart are with God (while praying) - meaning that he keeps his mind on this and finishes his prayer in that ...