Arbaeen, a Pattern for Life | Ali Reza Panahian

زینبیون تی وی
منتشر شده در 20 آذر 1398

Arbaeen, a Pattern for Life

Friends, do you know what the philosophy of justice is? It is to prepare the environment for us to live together like human beings with affection. Like Arbaeen! The highest peak of a human being’s life is not human rights. It’s to live like human beings, like Arbaeen!

In the world, there are many people who are untainted, loving, and ready to accept the truth. I plead you go and introduce your religion, which is based on affection, enjoyment, and loving the “Friends of God,” to the world. I beg you.

They don’t know about our religion. There are many misunderstandings about it. They have made the Daesh (ISIS) to increase the worse misunderstandings. These misunderstandings have caused some of our wretched, westernized people to become infatuated with the west. See what it has done to the west itself?! They don’t know how much you enjoy this religion.

Western people who have seen Arbaeen think this is a religious rite. People are forced to go there. These were devout people, who are going because they were told to. I told this to some French people on this path. They had come from France, and we talked using a translator. People were gathered from 20 nations in a Mawkib (resting place). I told them one thing and they lost their control. I told them, “Did you know if people don’t come here, they won’t go to Hell?”

I explained this for them and they were surprised! They said, “Really?! Isn’t it a religious command?!” I replied, “No, it’s not a command, for which they’ll be punished if they don’t do it. They won’t go to Hell if they don’t feed others.” They asked, “So why do they do this?!” I said, “Due to their love!” They had reached the middle of the way and were blaming themselves why they hadn’t understood what was going on there! This is a religion based on “yearning for it.” It is based on love and enjoyment.

One of the scholars in Najaf said, “There was a peddler. We went to his very small house. But, he served a lot of food! I told him, ‘You’re not that wealthy to give such food. What is your job?’ He wouldn’t answer and evaded the question. He was a peddler in the streets of Najaf. He said, ‘I put aside half of the money I earn every day for the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (‘a).’”

We want this life! Beyond law! Beyond justice! Beyond ethics! Sacrifice! Sacrifice! This is not a joke. You are inviting people to sacrifice. A system based on sacrifice! Not a system based on fairness. Those who say that Arbaeen can’t be a pattern for life to the extent of an entire civilization, are the ones who had mocked the prophets of God. “Woe to human beings! Whenever a Messenger came to them, they mocked him.” (Qur’an, 36:30)

Why did they mock the prophets?! If you talk about ethics, no one will mock you! If you talk about justice, no one will mock you! If you talk about worshiping, no one will mock you! Do you know what the prophets said that people mocked them? They said, “Let’s live in an environment, like that which exists for the Arbaeen walk.” They mocked the prophets.

One might say, “It’s impossible! In case anyone has an accident, we should have insurance. You say people come due to their love. What if they don’t come!” They mock this.

If you give control of Arbaeen to the secular system, they will say, “To prevent quarrels when distributing food, we’ll hand out coupons. How many days will you be on the way?” “Four days.” “Three meals per day. Take your coupons and go. We’ve given that part to the private sector. We will charge tolls and distribute food there.” They’ll TOTALLY RUIN Arbaeen!

I’ve heard one of the authorities, maybe mistakenly, has said, “We want to do something from next year to eliminate the Mawkibs on the borders and give them to the private sector.”

Actually, we want to do something to the world for it to be managed like the Mawkibs. You’re doing the opposite. You haven’t understood Arbaeen at all. Why do you think people sense spirituality and luminosity there? Life based on affection.

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