ILO: Global unemployment set to rise through 2017

منتشر شده در 16 تیر 1395

The International Labor Organization, ILO has warned that the global unemployment could worsen further over the next two years. According to the ILO dealing with labor issues, some three-point-four million jobless people will add to the exiting figure of over 197-million working-age unemployed worldwide in 2016 and 2017. In its report, the agency has cited downturns in key emerging economies such as Brazil and China that saw their slowest GDP growth last year. The ILO also made it clear that employment rates have not recovered from the 2008 financial downturn. The report forecasted a decline in joblessness in some developed countries including the United States. However, it has warned that emerging economies in Asia and Latin America as well as Arab and African nations heavily reliant on commodity sales would continue to see the unemployment growth.

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