Part 1:
Part 3:
Appreciate the Creator for everything
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for your children, for the "scientific" spermatozoides and ovules are a myth.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for your hair, for the "scientific" medulla, cortex and cuticle are a lie.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for your skin, for the "scientific" dermis and epidermis don't exist.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for your blood, for the "scientific" red globules and leukocytes are a deceit.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for the air that you breathe, for the "scientific" oxygen, nitrogen, helium, argon, ozone, and carbon dioxide are nothing but a theory.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for a leaf that you cherish in summer, for the "scientific" photosynthesis and chlorophyll are nothing but concepts.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for a rock that proves to you the wonders of Creation, for the "scientific" atoms, quarks and hadrons are nothing but a hypothesis.
Appreciate the Creator/Mother Nature for the stars, for galaxies, quasars, pulsars and black holes are nothing but bullshit.