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#108 Cheap IFTTT Button with spare ESP-01 finished. Can be used for many other things

منتشر شده در 19 فروردین 1397

In this episode, I finish the cheap IFTTT (Amazon Dash) Button with a spare ESP-01. It does not cost a lot, because it only needs a battery, a LED button, and three resistors. In its current version, it can call the IFTTT maker channel and start anything.

But it also can be used to switch many other things in your house if you adapt the sketch.


Sketch, STL files and schematics: https://github.com/SensorsIot/IFTTT-Dash-Button

IFTTT Library: https://github.com/witnessmenow/arduino-ifttt-maker

Other proposal: http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4458&start=28

Based on an article in: https://www.heise.de/ct/ausgabe/2017-1-Batteriebetriebene-IoT-WLAN-Buttons-selbst-bauen-und-programmieren-3573304.html

and this sketch: https://github.com/pinae/ESP8266-Dash

If you want to support the channel and buy from Banggood: https://bit.ly/2jAQEf4 (no additional charges for you)



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