E3 2018 | 15 Most Anticipated Games

E3 news
منتشر شده در 21 خرداد 1397

E3 is fast approaching and as every self-respecting video gamer knows it’s the place to be to climb on board the hype train and plan out future purchases. I’ve trawled through all the rumours to find 15 games to look forward to at e3 2018. So if you’re ready. Lets do this.

  1. Ghost of Tsushima
  2. Tenchu Stealth Assassins / Bloodborne 2
  3. Anthem
  4. The Division 2
  5. Cyberpunk 2077
  6. Marvel’s Spiderman
  7. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  8. Red Dead Redemption 2
  9. The Last of Us Part 2
  10. Overkill’s The Walking Dead
  11. Blood and Truth
  12. Splinter Cell
  13. Death Stranding
  14. Kingdom Hearts 3
  15. Borderlands 3
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