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منتشر شده در 29 مهر 1397


Here I will share with you how I use up discarded comics to dress up picture frames and mirrors. I love playing around with decoupage glue because it dries up with such a lovely finish and it seems to make the colours of the comic pieces really pop.

You will need:

Old comics

A pot of decoupage glue

A new or used picture or mirror frame

A glue brush or two

In addition, some sand paper or flexible sanding block

Damp paper towels to wipe glue from your hands throughout

I prefer to use older comics that are thin and matte like newspaper. They tend to soak up the glue better than shiny comics and are thinner so they mould to corners, curves and edges better. But shiny comics do work if that is all you have.

You can use Mod Podge but for this project I used Deco Mache which I really love!

  1. Put the inflated balloons together with masking tape making the required shape.
  2. Dip paper yarn in glue and wrap it around the balloon shape in a tight layer.
  3. Finish wrapping the paper yarn around the shape (remember to leave a hole at the top for the socket) and hang it to dry.
  4. When the glue is dry, pop the balloons.
  5. Remove the popped balloons from the inside of the lamps with a hook.
  6. Use bonsai wire for making a holder for the wire.
  7. Attach the lamp socket in the top edge of the lamp.

My niece found some old Superheroes and Barbie playset in the attic. We decided to have a little fun with it. I had seen other examples of action figure lamps online and decided to make one with these toy figures.

I found a small lamp at the thrift store for $2.00 and super glued the figures to the lamp.

Gave it a quick primer coat.

Then finished it in gold spray paint.

The final product! I'm pretty proud of how well it turned out.


2:40 Cheese candles

4:26 The cutest note holders ever

7:09 Comic photo frame

7:53 Mini pool

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