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LYRICS: I’m a ninja and I’m gonna ...

نینجای سیاه
منتشر شده در 06 شهریور 1398


I’m a ninja and I’m gonna get ya

Where the sun don’t hit ya

And you’ll never see it coming

Even if you’re on the run there is nobody in this world that can protect ya

You can’t match my speed

Nobody’s as fast as me I creep in like a gentle breeze

Next minute you’re on your knees, what what

Don’t reach for the stars, my stars reach you

When I sneeze I say Surprise attack!

Eat a ninja snack Because a hungry ninja’s gotta eat too

I work all night but that’s ok Where you sleep is where I play

Someday I may have to kill you but don’t take it personally if I do.

OOooOO Why are you running?

OOooOO You know you can’t hide.

OOooOO You know I’m coming.

OOooOO And now you’re mine!


I’m smooth like butter melting off your pancakes

I’ve got moves so good that they can’t caught on tape

and I will never make sound unless it’s what I use to kill That’s right

and I’m the silent deadly type, I’ll kill you will my smell

Just make your move and see if you’ve got any ninja skills

I’ll give you one clean shot but don’t expect any cheap thrills.

Chances are you’ll hit me once and I’ll kill you on impact.

because anything you throw at me will bounce and come right back

I am a natural born killer, my whole life I’ve this way

I am a living breathing thriller, I’m the predator you’re my prey

and I am working for the man, just like you but with my fists

I only do what he has planned, look that’s YOUR name on my list!

OOooOO Why are you running?

OOooOO You know you can’t hide.

OOooOO You know I’m coming.

OOooOO And now you’re mine!


You can drive 300 miles until you run out of gas.

Take one step outside your car and I will kick your ass

If you need to call for backup then you just what to do

But careful who you call because your friends are ninjas too

I’m not the only ninja that has your name on their list

Think of everywhere you go and everyone you’ve kissed

The guy that sells you oranges and that girl dressed up like Chell

and that guy you see at the grocery stores that always ring the bell

That’s right, you’re living in a world full of ninjas but I’ll give you one little fun fact, FUN FACT!

Even though we have to kill you, sorry we still love to laugh, HAHA!

So we won’t kill you now instead we’ll watch you run in fear, IN FEAR!

while we sit back and laugh at you over a nice tall glass of beer, CHEERS!



Hey, aren’t you Mr. Safety? Hahaha KILL PRODUCTION CREW: Camera Operators - Cory Williams, Joey Coco, Ryan Danielson, Kevin Zeigler


“The Ninja Song” was written, performed, filmed, directed and edited by Cory “Mr. Safety” Williams.

Also featuring DJ Masta Hanksta on the turntable: http://bit.ly/151reqz


FreddieW - http://bit.ly/10FTXlt Tobuscus - http://bit.ly/151rbv2 KassemG - http://bit.ly/10FTXlu DaneBoe (Annoying Orange) - http://bit.ly/151rbv5 JacksFilms - http://bit.ly/10FTYpp Chestersee - http://bit.ly/151rbLj TayZonday - http://bit.ly/10FTXlv Katers17 - http://bit.ly/151reqD OlgaKay - http://bit.ly/10FTXlw MediocreFilms - http://bit.ly/151reqE JoeNationTV - http://bit.ly/10FTXlx J.D. Witherspoon - http://bit.ly/151reqF BrocksDubs - http://bit.ly/10FTYps Cyr1216 - http://bit.ly/151reqH Kevin Z - http://bit.ly/10FTXly Orf & Grandma Rose - http://bit.ly/151reqI Seth Hendrix - http://bit.ly/10FTYpx DJ Masta Hanksta - http://bit.ly/151rbLs Robert Jennings - http://bit.ly/10FTYpy Doug Jones (actor) - http://bit.ly/151reGY Joey Coco - http://bit.ly/10FTXlA

Thanks for SUBSCRIBING! http://bit.ly/10FTYpm

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