The high heavens exalt Your Name,
from which all names take their grace.
Timeless glories mark out Your reign,
from Your lofty dwelling place.
Understanding, bounteous One
eternal gift of plenty;
omniscient, just and divine,
our Judge in all Your glory.
سبحت باسمک المجید السماء
وتسامت باسمک الأسماء
یا عظیماً یا حلیماً وفرداً
من عطایاک دامت الآلاء
You give breeze to the wheeling birds
Sustained high up in the sky,
as You nurture us here on earth.
In Your warmth we glorify.
You sent messengers to us, Lord,
Revealing Your word and light.
You taught the scale above the sword,
Your justice is all men’s right.
عندها نرتجی من الله عفواً
حین یأتی محمد واللواء
فاجعل المصطفی شفیعاً وکن لی
غافراً ذاک مطلبی والرجاء
We seek the mercy of God.
I beg, Prophet, speak for me!
Led by Mohammed’s great banner
Your forgiveness is my plea