Are you willing to race? | Ali Reza Panahian

زینبیون تی وی
منتشر شده در 20 آذر 1398

Are you willing to race?

What does racing mean? It means that I have to win. Do you understand? I have to defeat you.

In a group prayer, you see the first row is empty. When I go different places to pray, I see the first row is empty. I say, “Please go forward.” “No sir! You go ahead.” “Doesn’t standing in the first row have more reward?” “Sir. Go ahead. It’s yours.” Look at those sitting in the back rows! The first row is empty! “Go stand in the first row!” “I don’t want to. This is good enough.” Is this the place to be humble?

Do you know what the Holy Prophet (s) said? You won’t believe what I say until I tell you what the Prophet (s) said. You’ll think, “What was he talking about?!” The Prophet (s) said, “Standing in the first row has more reward.” What should two believers do if they arrive at the same time? The Prophet said, “They should cast lots.”

“I’m in need.” “No, I’m in need!” “I got here first!” “No, I did!” “So let’s draw.” They should toss a coin or something. “No way. I can’t pass on this. I’m sorry.”

All of Imam Husayn’s (‘a) companions in Karbala were racing. Who won? Aba al-Fazl al-Abbas. It’s obvious. Others envy his position. It’s a race. “So race in goodness.” (Qur’an 2:148)

[From the series of speeches under the topic of, “What is sinning? How should we repent?”]

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