Don’t brood over yourself very much! | Alireza Panahian

زینبیون تی وی
منتشر شده در 19 آذر 1398

Don’t brood over yourself so much!

If you brood over yourself, you will become corrupted! May I be sacrificed for you, don’t appreciate yourself. Never mind. OK! You are very…! Never mind! Never mind please! Don’t brood over yourself so much. A tradition says, “A wise person considers other people’s small deeds to be great. He considers his own big deeds to be small.” He says, “I didn’t do anything.” He really believes in this!

Some people brood over themselves very much. They appreciate themselves very much. They brood over why no one else appreciates them. Ooh! They are so sorrowful. This is an unhealthy attitude. I have seen these kinds of people later turn against the revolution. “Sir, what does this have to do with becoming against the revolution?!” This is how one should look at things. We should look at the root of all the entanglements. I see this person will one day have problems with Guardianship. I’m telling you! Unless his problem is solved. Never mind please.

In a meeting, I was talking about giving a sacrifice. I said, “One of the sacrifices a person should give is his talents.” The audience wanted to kill me! “What?! The whole philosophy of the educational

system is for talents to develop and flourish.” I said, “Ok, I believe in talents too. God willing, all of your talents will be used. The Commander of the Faithful, Ali (a), had the talent to govern the world. But, he did farming for 25 years. I’m sorry to use this word, but when he farmed he didn’t nag. He did farming nicely. He didn’t nag.”

Sometimes, God wants a person not to be appreciated. Don’t brood over yourself so much, or you’ll become corrupted. Maybe God wants you not to be appreciated, Mr.! Try. Do your work. If they don’t appreciate you in a situation, smile and look at God. Say, “God, I’m satisfied.” Nice!

May I be sacrificed for the Prophet of Islam (s), who all the Immaculate ones (a) were sacrificed for. When the Prophet (s) talked about himself, he would immediately say, “There is no pride.” God has given these. “There is no pride,” was one of the catch phrases of the Holy Prophet (s). He didn’t see himself, but we see ourselves.

If you brood over yourself, you will become corrupted! OK! You are very…! Never mind! Never mind please!

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