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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷

بروز ویدیو
منتشر شده در 14 مهر 1398

How to change the screen of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Youtube channel we have installed in this video you can watch in detail.

If the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen is broken, you can have it replaced by our professional SAMSUNG technicians.

Samsung Galaxy Technical Service


Samsung Galaxy Screen Replacement


Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Screen Replacement


Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen replacement time is about 1 hour when it comes to our technical service address and 3 (three) working days when you use our 2-sided free shipping service.

  1. Your Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will not be deleted after screen replacement.
  2. Original Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Super AMOLED screen is used and your phone comes with a 6 months GSM Communication screen warranty card.
  3. Shatterproof glass protector is installed to prevent the screen from breaking again.

#samsung #galaxy #samsunggalaxynote8

GSM İletişim Address

Customer Representative hotline: 02165504060

WhatsApp: 05321004147

Address: Fahrettin Kerim Gokay Street No: 33 Kadikoy / Istanbul

Contact page: https://goo.gl/9ithZv

Shipping shipping: https://goo.gl/JLg8bJ

After Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen replacement, your phone will be delivered to you with GSM Communication technical service warranty card for 6 months.

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 screen is broken,

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 cracked the windshield,

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 does not press touch,

If the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 breaks the internal screen, you can help solve the problem experienced by our experienced and technicians in the field.

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