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Ninja III: The Domination (1/5) Golf Course Ninja Massacre! (1984)

نینجای سیاه
منتشر شده در 07 مرداد 1398

It's no longer a gentleman's game when an evil ninja massacres several golfers in this scene from the cult classic Ninja III: The Domination. How many penalty strokes is murder, again?

Aerobic instructor Christie Ryder (Lucinda Dickey -- Breakin', Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo) becomes possessed by the spirit of an evil ninja when she comes to his aid after being shot down. Dominated by the killer's vicious and relentless rage, she sets out to brutally attack his enemies. Her boyfriend, confused by Christie's changing personality and afraid that he might be her next victim, enlists the aid of Yamada (Shô Kosugi -- Enter the Ninja, Revenge of the Ninja), the quintessential martial arts hero. In a life-threatening exorcism and ultimate fight to the death, Yamada proves that he is Christie's only chance for survival. For only a ninja can kill another ninja!

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