نتایج جستجو برای : pes-2016-how-to-make-graphics-on-pc-to-looks-like-on-ps

Kids TV
1.2 هزار نمایش
2 ماه پیش

کارتون شاد کودکانه کوکوملون wheels on the bus

47 نمایش
4 سال پیش

You are a passionate gamer of survival game genres and a bit of horror! So do not miss this Last Day On Earth game, guaranteed to make you happy when participating in the game Is a . .survival game just ...

41 نمایش
6 سال پیش

Step by step tutorial of installing Kivy on Windows. (روی ویندوز Kivy آموزش نصب)

7 نمایش
7 سال پیش

In this video, we'll go over some basic tips and tricks for keeping you, your data, and your Android devices safe.

22 نمایش
7 سال پیش

This video talks about how to use NFC on Android. It gives an overview of NFC, instructions on how to use NFC to share content, and guidance on programming NFC tags. Related post on Android Authority -- http://goo.gl/JVkIm Subscribe to ...

20 نمایش
7 سال پیش

A picture paints a thousand words -- and so do screenshots. Have you ever taken screenshots on your Android device? Watch this video and learn how to take screenshots on Android. Related article -- http://goo.gl/YjwiO Subscribe to our YouTube channel: ...

18 نمایش
7 سال پیش

Ever wanted to see serif text and labels on your Android device? Or, what about fancy or cursive typeface? Or, perhaps, some alternate sans-serif font? In this video, learn how to change fonts on Android, using a method for either ...

17 نمایش
7 سال پیش

In this video, learn how to use HDR on Android. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range and refers to a method of image capturing that produces the widest range between the lightest and darkest areas of an image. Does your ...

9 نمایش
7 سال پیش

Motorola has added a video highlights feature to the new Moto X, and with it you can take your still photos and videos and have them automatically compiled into a cool little montage, completely with soundtrack, that you can share ...

13 نمایش
8 سال پیش

How do explorers celebrate Christmas? Hint: It's on a volcano. Evolutionary biologist and National Geographic grantee Borja Milá and fellow biologist Christophe Thébaud traveled to Réunion, a volcanic island in the southern Indian Ocean, in hopes of figuring out the ...

تعمیرات مبل
18 نمایش
6 سال پیش

In this video I show you how easy it is to touch up a scratch or ding in your furniture. For more info and purchase of markers and fill sticks please visit Movingtips4you.com

82 نمایش
8 سال پیش

How to light a match on any surface

فری جی اس ام
51 نمایش
6 سال پیش

Have you came through ‘no service’ on your iPhone 6? There are external and internal causes for ‘no service’ problem, which means no one-size-fits-all solution. REWA here presents you a professional iPhone 6 no service solution that deals with hardware ...

28 نمایش
7 سال پیش

In this video, learn how to uninstall apps on the Galaxy S4. Do you know that there are actually several ways to do it? While a video guide like this sounds a bit insulting to expert Android users, it is ...

24 نمایش
7 سال پیش

Ever wanted to capture what your HTC One screen looks like? This video demonstrates how to take screenshots on the HTC One. Two methods are available. Related story -- http://goo.gl/51CMA Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=androidauthority Stay connected to Android ...

11 نمایش
7 سال پیش

This video shows you how to use Instagram on your Android device. The Instagram app for Android looks deceptively simple, but it actually has a lot of wonderful features underneath its simple looks. Related post on Android Authority -- http://goo.gl/2i41t ...

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