Notorious enemies of Islamic Iran are covered in filth: Ayatollah Khamenei
They say: “The United Nations has established some standards and you should adapt yourself to them.” Let me tell you the statistics of cancer in the world. Which country has the highest cancer rates in the world? Denmark, one of ...
You want to become an Imam! “And We desired to bestow a favour upon those who were oppressed in the earth, and to make them the Imams.” (Qur’an 28:5) How magnificent! How inspiring! How thought provoking! You want to become ...
This is compiled footage of U.S. Marine Corps School Of Infantry, Infantry Training Battalion (ITB)-east. After boot camp Marines go to the School of Infantry (SOI). Some go to ITB and some go to non-infantry MCT. The ITB mission is ...
Your microwave clock might not use that much power, but add it to your plugged in tv, computer, DVR, etc.? That's a lot of wasted energy. Is Your House Causing Global Warming? - Sign Up For The Seeker Newsletter ...
laugh and learn english with fun... enjoy your life honey... به مناسبت افتتاح سایت هدیه ویژه ما تخفیف 100 درصد برای 7 نفر اول ثبت نامی شروع ثبت نام از 17 مهر 97