کارتون انگلیسی اردک کوچولوهای رنگی

Kids TV
منتشر شده در 03 شهریور 1397

مجموعه کارتونی شاد پر از ترانه های انگلیسی برای تقویت زبان کودکان عزیز مهدکودک و پیش دبستانی

00:00 - Duck song

02:18 - Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

03:50 - Good morning song

05:24 - Ambulance song

7:15 - Animal sound song

10:27 - Humpty dumpty

11:23 - Miss polly had a dolly

12:42 - I hear thunder

14:05 - Moo moo cow

15:15 - Ten in the bed

17:34 - Twinkle twinkle

19:24 - Wheels on the bus

21:15 - Hokey pokey

22:30 - Old macdonald had a farm

24:46 - This little pig went to market

26:33 - Wheels on the bus

28:21 - The zoo song

30:45 - Woof woof dog song

31:55 - Hokey pokey

33:33 - Ding dong bell

34:57 - Head shoulders knees and toes

36:26 - Teddy bear teddy bear

37:43 - The trucks song

39:44 - Oink oink pig

40:54 - The superman song

44:25 - Johny johny yes papa

47:45 - The fruit song

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