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ابتدای پنجره محاورهای. دکمه اسکیپ پنجره را لغو میکند و میبندد.
انتهای پنجره محاورهای.
What happens that we forget God’s Kindness? It gradually becomes hard for us to believe in God’s Kindness. What happens that we gradually deny God’s Kindness?
Our life’s situation is such that we always think we are alone, without shelter, and without anyone to help us in our sorrows. Why? Because, God can’t be seen. Because God is not talking to us directly. Because, God is not constantly showing the results of our actions or showing a reaction to us. God wants to prepare the situation for us to be able to show our inner worthiness. Thus, He shouldn’t show a reaction to us immediately. God doesn’t show immediate reaction to either our good deeds or our bad deeds.
This doesn’t mean that He doesn’t exist! This means that you should be yourself and stand on your own feet. If God wanted to show a reaction to each of your small and big behaviours, you would live under the influence of these reactions due to your own interests. Your choices would have been influenced by these immediate reactions. You wouldn’t have shown your inner value. You wouldn’t have had a chance to make a mistake. You wouldn’t have become creative.
During this period that we are supposed to choose, do we have the right to choose, or not? For us to have the right to choose, God has emptied our environment a little. For us to have the right to choose, God doesn’t show prompt reactions. When He doesn’t show a prompt reaction, we think that there is no God. When he doesn’t show a prompt reaction, not only do we think that there is no God, we also naturally don’t think that He is Kind. If we saw Him in His constant reactions, we would see His Kindness too. But, we don’t see Him. We don’t see God’s kind reactions.
“God, show us.” He says, “If I show you, you won’t be yourself anymore. You are independent! I want you to stand on your own feet; therefore, I need to move away from you. Then, you won’t see My kind reaction!”
Why don’t we see God’s Kindness? Why is it hard for us to believe in it? Because, God is hidden a little and sometimes doesn’t show His reactions to us. His reactions are 99.99999999…% Kindness. If one time He poured on us the rewards that He has planned for one small good action, we would say, “God, what are You doing?! I haven’t done anything!”
If God talked to us one time because of a good deed, we would have died. What would He say if He talked? Think about it. If God wanted to say something to us because of our good deed, what would He say to make us infatuated? The God without needs! The Great God! The God Who has seen all this badness from us and has constantly given us another chance. He keeps looking for an excuse to forgive. The God Who is God. Do you know what He says?
According to a verse of the Qur’an in a chapter, the name of which is the name of God’s Mercy, the chapter “al-Rahman,” if God wanted to talk to us after we did a good deed, do you know what He would say? He would say, “You did Me a favour.” “I did You a favour?! Me? To You?!” “You were kind to Me. ‘Can anything else be a response to a favour but a favour?’” (Qur’an, 55:60) “I did You a favour?! How can I do You a favour?! Don’t embarrass me with these kinds of words! Give me a reward and I’ll go.” (God), “No, you have done a favour to Me. Now, I will do you a favour. You did Me a favour as much as you could. Now, I will do you a favour as much as I can too. You are limited. I am unlimited. I will give you unlimited goodness.” “For this one thing that I did?!”
Since God is behind the curtain of the unseen and doesn’t show prompt reactions, especially to our bad deeds, we don’t understand His Kindness. God is behind the curtain of the unseen and doesn’t show a prompt reaction to our good deeds. And, it’s very hard for Him. He likes to hug us after we do a good deed, shout, throw us up and catch us, and say, “My little one! My dear servant!” But, He restrains Himself and says, “My servant has done a good deed. Keep it for him.” The angels want to show reactions too. They wa