شعرهای کودکانه تصویری - حمام کردن کوچولوها

Kids TV
منتشر شده در 25 شهریور 1397

شعرهای شاد انگلیسی کودکانه با تصاویر کارتونی شاد و داستان های جذاب

این قسمت حمام کردن کوچولوها

متن شعر:

Bath Time Song

It's bath time, bath time

Get clean, get clean

It's bath time, bath time

More bubbles than you've ever seen!

It's wash time, wash time

Shampoo, shampoo

It's wash time, wash time

Start with your hair is what to do!

It's bath time, bath time

Next's the face, next's the face

It's bath time, bath time

But close your eyes, just in case!

It's wash time, wash time

Tummy and chest, tummy and chest

It's wash time, wash time

Now you're ready for the rest!

It's bath time, bath time

Legs and feet, legs and feet

It's bath time, bath time

Clap your hands to this beat

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