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The Twelfth IMAM Documentary

زینبیون تی وی
منتشر شده در 01 دی 1398

◈ In the name of GOD the beneficent the merciful ◈

A Documentary about Imam Mahdi (a.s) the Shia Muslims perspective and the Hollywood propaganda against him.

Who is Antichrist?

Who is Son of Man?

Where is the Khorasan?

Why ISIS have black flags?

What do you think about IRAN?

What was Islamic revolution of IRAN about?

Will Imam Mahdi (a.s) and Jesus Christ (pbuh) return together?

Was prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned in the Bible?

What about Imam Hussain (a.s) and Imam Mahdi (a.s) [Twelfth Imam] ?

and finally ..

Will Imam Mahdi (a.s) and Jesus Christ (pbuh) return together?



In Association With The BIDARI ANDISHE Group

With the advent of the third millennium, there has been a growing speed in producing apocalyptic movies in Hollywood Many believe the Islamic revolution in Iran to be the reason behind Hollywood’s latest approach.

A movie called “The man who saw tomorrow” was the first reaction to Islamic Revolution’s ideological invasion of materialistic and humanistic schools of thought Explicitly and implicitly, this movie presented a distorted picture of Iran, Islam and Shias.

After some time, this became more apparent. Meanwhile, one can see the main point of producing such movies is to frighten American people from coming of the Shia savior.

Considering this new approach, it seems that producing such explicit movies would be more likely in near future

Consequently, this documentary tries to analyze media’s apocalyptic approach as well as introducing Imam Mahdi (pbuh), the twelfth Imam of the Shias

A Documentary by "LOOGEND Film"

Written & Edited By: Ali Rezaei

Asistant & Narration: Majid Amlashi

Translators: Sadegh313, Parnian, Justice Beginner

Poster: Mohammad Ali Abbasi

SOURCE: http://forum.bidari-andishe.ir/thread-35680.html

MAJID AMLASHI CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2z_uKtWjYN_VGwdlr_jswA

Watch this documentary with Turkish subtitle here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkMkHdu5yFI


To learn more about 12th Imam go to http://www.emam-mahdi.com


Watch and Share this documentary as a single part from these links:

Youtube : https://youtu.be/zqwdR5PWwNI

Vimeo : https://vimeo.com/104894209

Vube : http://vube.com/IranClips/the-twelfth-imam/9VUfApzLni

Break : http://www.break.com/video/ugc/the-twelfth-imam-full-documentary-english-subtitle-2753821

Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x24zynw_the-twelfth-imam-full-documentary-english-subtitle_shortfilms


اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج و العافیه و النصر

Ya Mahdi Adrekni ...


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"رائفی پور" "سخنرانی رائفی پور با زیرنویس" "زیرنویس انگلیسی" "رائفی پور زیرنویس انگلیسی" "جنبش مصاف" مصا

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