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Lavashak Aloo (Fruit Roll) Recipe

منتشر شده در 02 تیر 1398

How to make Lavashak Aloo in easy steps. Lavashak Aloo Recipe http://www.aashpazi.com/lavashak-aloo


3 lbs (1.3 kg) Prunes


1- Wash the prunes thoroughly.

Directions: for details visit: http://www.aashpazi.com/lavashak-aloo

Lavashak e Aloo or Dried Prune Roll is a very popular Iranian snack. Lavashak’s variety is as vast as fruit variety. Few of most popular Lavashaks are Lavashak e Holu (Peach), Albaloo (sour cherry), sib (apple) and of course the most famous one Aloo (prunes).

Prune is a rich source of antioxidants. It has anti cancer components. It may also prevent type 2 diabetes, and can lower the cholesterol. Due to the high fiber, prunes are laxative.

Although dried and cooked prunes don’t carry the same value as fresh ones, but prunes are so high in vitamin and anti oxidants that they can hold on to its benefits.

Since ancient time, Persians dried their fruits… Read More http://www.aashpazi.com/lavashak-aloo-calories

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