نتایج جستجو برای : ali-reza-eftekhari-ya-mola

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Latest Noha 2016 Ya Hussain Ibne Ali

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18 نمایش
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Be a contestant. It’s said that God has His believing servants race in the same way that horses race on a track. The excitement is about seconds. God says, “Therefore, race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden ...

زینبیون تی وی
13 نمایش
5 سال پیش

Be a contestant. It’s said that God has His believing servants race in the same way that horses race on a track. The excitement is about seconds. God says, “Therefore, race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden ...

8.3 هزار نمایش
7 سال پیش

Ali Abdolmaleki - Ya hishki ya to - 2015 - علی عبدالمالکی - یا هیشکی یا تو علی عبدالمالکی - یا هیشکی یا تو اهنگ باران که میبارد تو میایی متن آهنگ یا هیشکی یا تو متن آهنگ همه میگن ...

زینبیون تی وی
11 نمایش
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Deep Inside the Heart The prophet David (‘a) asked God, “God, who is at the same level with me in Heaven?” God replied, “The daughter of ‘so and so’ is at the same level with you in Heaven.” The prophet ...

زینبیون تی وی
7 نمایش
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Be your own mom! All of us like to be pure. Therefore, all of us hide our defects. Be your own mom. A mom doesn’t try to not see the dirty part of her child’s clothes. She cleans them nicely ...

زینبیون تی وی
15 نمایش
5 سال پیش

We are not alone. We are not alone. There is God. God loves us. This feeling that you are alone is a false feeling. The first factor, which causes a person to constantly forget God’s Kindness, is the feeling of ...

زینبیون تی وی
17 نمایش
5 سال پیش

Don’t have self-confidence! We have “self-confidence” in our terminology. But, there is no such thing as self-confidence in the religious texts. People tell us, “Have self-confidence.” What do they mean? They mean you should have spiritual power and strength, so ...

زینبیون تی وی
8 نمایش
5 سال پیش

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زینبیون تی وی
17 نمایش
5 سال پیش

We are not alone. We are not alone. There is God. God loves us. This feeling that you are alone is a false feeling. The first factor, which causes a person to constantly forget God’s Kindness, is the feeling of ...

زینبیون تی وی
7 نمایش
5 سال پیش

Be like chivalrous people! Have you heard they say that a certain ruffian, Teyyeb for example, repented in a moment and became one of the good people? I studied these kinds of people, who were very bad and then suddenly ...

زینبیون تی وی
18 نمایش
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Recite "Chapter Hamd” in Prayer! A tradition says, “When a servant stands up to pray, if his desires and heart are with God (while praying) - meaning that he keeps his mind on this and finishes his prayer in that ...

زینبیون تی وی
12 نمایش
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Are you willing to race? What does racing mean? It means that I have to win. Do you understand? I have to defeat you. In a group prayer, you see the first row is empty. When I go different places ...

زینبیون تی وی
16 نمایش
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Searching within Our Inner Being In a tradition, we have been told to purify our internal being before the reappearance. Because, at the time of the reappearance there will be some tests, which many don’t expect, and they therefore fall ...

زینبیون تی وی
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A Hundred Times More Affectionate God divided affection into 100 parts. He kept 99 parts for Himself and gave one part to people. He divided that one part into 100 pieces and gave 99 parts of it to the “Guardians.” ...

زینبیون تی وی
13 نمایش
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Arbaeen, a Pattern for Life Friends, do you know what the philosophy of justice is? It is to prepare the environment for us to live together like human beings with affection. Like Arbaeen! The highest peak of a human being’s ...

زینبیون تی وی
11 نمایش
5 سال پیش

You want to become an Imam! “And We desired to bestow a favour upon those who were oppressed in the earth, and to make them the Imams.” (Qur’an 28:5) How magnificent! How inspiring! How thought provoking! You want to become ...

زینبیون تی وی
10 نمایش
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A Gathering of Love and Vitality The world is a world of brands and advertising. In such a world, some people spend billions to make a brand name. Then, they trade with that brand. We don’t have a good packaging ...

زینبیون تی وی
4 نمایش
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How can we control our thoughts? In the same way that you should exercise for your muscles to become strong, in exactly the same way, the way to start to increase spiritual power is with mind exercises. Exercising the mind ...

زینبیون تی وی
13 نمایش
5 سال پیش

Psychological Differences between Men and Women The psychological differences between men and women have become very clear now! Men look at the whole more. Women look at details more. What is he better for? What is she better for? The ...

زینبیون تی وی
20 نمایش
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Training Children in a Magnanimous Way Train your children with generosity. Train your children with magnanimity. If they make any mistakes, call them to account a bit later. Or, not at all is even better. Ayatollah Bahjat’s son said, “When ...

زینبیون تی وی
8 نمایش
5 سال پیش

The Most Important Factor in Training Children If parents pray, will a child pray too? If they do a few good deeds, whatever they are, is this enough for children to have outstanding personalities? What should parents do to raise ...

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